There are two annual transition points for Admissions work. One is at the end of December, when we’ve completed the Early Notification review process, but applications haven’t yet flooded in for our regular deadlines. It’s a point when we can (and should) catch up on some overdue tasks, knowing that the January to May period is a pretty steady stream of zany. The other is at the end of the summer break — late August/first days of September — when the new students are here, but they’re now the responsibility of other Fletcher offices, and the travel, visits, inquiries, interviews, applications, etc., etc., of the new admissions cycle haven’t yet begun.
And those are the two times when I clear everything from my desk and dust. It’s a moment of mental and material cleaning — getting ready for a change of pace and activity. So the other day, I figured out which folders can be refiled, sorted through old viewbooks and course catalogs, removed old class schedules from bulletin boards, and got to work with some spritzy stuff and a cloth.
We have a long weekend coming up (for the U.S. Labor Day holiday) and then the real action will begin. The first road trips are on the calendar, with the requests for information and interviews that will follow. I know from experience that September is crazy busy, both at work and (for me) at home, and there’s nothing to do but maintain the pace and get things done. I feel ready for a little frenzy! At least I’ll be working at a clean desk.
Schedule note: The office will be closed on Monday for the holiday. Wishing everyone a nice end to the summer.