General Admissions News

A Quick Reintroduction

Admissions blog readership always picks up in January and a reintroduction seems in order.  You’ve already figured out that this is the blog for Fletcher School Admissions, and I’m the chief blogger.  Now that Fletcher has had a blog for several years, we’ve covered many aspects of the key topics represented by the Categories (listed over to the left of this post).  If you’re new to the blog, I encourage you to poke around a little bit — you no longer need Admissions Tips, but you’ll find information about the local area and what it’s like to be a member of our community.

With everything happening during this busiest time of the year for Admissions, generating creative posts can be a challenge — but I still aim to post several times each week.   One objective of the blog is to help fill the information void that exists after you submit your application, and we wouldn’t want you to misinterpret blog silences!  Generally, for the next two months, the focus will be on keeping applicants informed about the review process, and helping you prepare for the possibility you’ll be coming to Fletcher in September.

I’m always open to suggestions!  If there’s something you’d like to know more about, please let me know!