General Admissions News

Patience is a virtue

Every morning this week, the Fletcher Admissions email inbox has been filled with inquiries about the status of applications.  We know how unsettling it is to log onto the Graduate Application Management System and see that your recommenders appear not to have submitted the letters that you know they have submitted.  It’s also unsettling to us to look in our back office and see stacks of application folders that need to be processed and updated.  Those two unsettling conditions are firmly linked.

For this week, and maybe next, we’ll just need to ask you to be patient.  We’re getting the job done as fast as we can, but it’s time consuming work.  And it’s also the type of work that can be plagued by errors if we rush.  So while we’re plodding along, you can relax a bit.  If you’re sure that you have submitted all necessary materials, your GAMS record will soon provide the confirmation you need.