Our Students

Go Fletcher Marathoners!

Monday is a public holiday but, more important, it’s the day when 25,000 runners will participate in the 115th annual Boston Marathon.  Known for its difficulty, the Marathon is a key cultural event in this area.

Among the 25,000 runners, you’ll find 200 participants in the Tufts University President’s Marathon Challenge.  And of those 200, 15 are Fletcher students!  While the runners have done the real work, the community has stepped up to do its part.  Each runner on the PMC team is required to raise $1,000 for selected charities, and Fletcher students ate pizza and drank beer at restaurant and pub-night fundraisers to boost the runners toward their fundraising targets.  (Quite effectively, too, since two Fletcher runners –Dahm and Jun — are leading the PMC lists for funds raised.)  And on Monday, fellow students will play another important role when they answer the team’s request:  “Because 26.2 miles will be less painful if we can see your shining faces that day, we’d love it if you would come out, grab a spot, and enjoy the day with us.”

So the Admissions Blog now presents the 2011 Fletcher Marathon Team, with each name linked to a PMC page for photos and training updates.  If you happen to find yourself along the race course on Monday, please cheer them on!

Suzanne Andrews
Shayne Arcilla
Sara Blankenship
Mieke Breck
Cara Chebuske
Dahm Choi
Jacqui Deelstra
Mary Dulatre
Eduardo Garcia
Emily Nohner
Annika Rigole
James Siegel
Marianne Smallwood
Nanako Tamaru
Jun Tazawa