General Admissions News

Quick answer: Email addresses

You’re probably all wondering about Roxana’s wedding.  It was lovely, with a strong showing of Fletcher staff members and alums, along with Roxana’s fellow Jumbos (Tufts undergrad classmates).  And it was a good send-off for Peter, too.  Now his office looks so sad…

But after a beautiful holiday weekend, those of us not relocating or on a honeymoon are back at work.  And I wanted to give a quick answer to a question I’ve been hearing often from incoming students:  When do we get a Tufts email address?

The answer is that you’ll receive instructions for registering for your new email address in the next two weeks or so.  It will be among the series of messages that will tell you how to register for eBilling, where to find health forms, and what’s happening at Orientation.  There are quite a few administrative tasks that you’ll need to complete during the summer.  By the end of June, you should feel that you have a good sense of what’s in front of you.