Our Staff

Kristen Zecchi: Change Agent

On Wednesday last week, a solid Fletcher contingent headed over to the Tufts Boston campus to celebrate the winners of the Tufts Distinction Awards, most notably our own Kristen Zecchi, who was recognized in the Change Agent category.

Kristen was the first member of the staff for the MIB (Master’s in International Business) Program, starting her work more than a year before the first students arrived.  Launching a new academic program is no simple task, and Kristen has ensured that all sorts of issues, not only Admissions questions, have stayed on the front burner until they have been solved.

We all enjoyed celebrating with Kristen, shown below with all the winners (front row, far left).  You can find more photos from the Tufts photography staff on the TDA photo page.  Congratulations, Kristen!

2 thoughts on “Kristen Zecchi: Change Agent

  • Congratulations for the award Kristen!

  • Thanks, Jessica! It was a real honor to be recognized in this way, but I’d be remiss if I didn’t point out that I work as a part of a very special team. I’m lucky to have such great colleagues!

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