Our Students

Students’ summer suggestions

In May, before the students took off for their summer internships or post-Fletcher lives, I asked them for suggestions to pass along to incoming students.  While most of the ideas relate specifically to life at Fletcher (and I’ll hold those until closer to the start of Orientation), a handful are tips for your pre-Fletcher summer.  Before any more time gets away, here is a selection of suggestions from the experienced:

Amy:  If I were starting at Fletcher in the fall, I would take the summer off and spend time with my family.

Veronica:  If I were preparing to go to Fletcher in September, I would give extra thought to career planning, and I would also travel somewhere I’ve never been.

Margot:  If you’re concerned about the language exam, I suggest reading a newspaper in your language every day.  The vocabulary in regular news stories is quite similar to what you’ll see on the exam.  Also — catch up on reading fiction!  You won’t look at that stack of novels again (except longingly) until next May, so make a dent now.

Jeff agrees:  Read.
But he also suggests:  Start investigating housing early.  It fills up fast in the Medford/Somerville area.  And be realistic about your budget — make sure it is in line with actual costs in the area.

Rachel:  If I were starting at Fletcher in the fall, I would try to pursue language study, because sometimes it’s hard to find the time to audit language classes on top of everything else you’re doing.

Vanessa:  Spend a week on a beach and read lots of fiction.

So, incoming students (2012 and future years’), you can see a theme emerging in just these few suggestions.  First, take time to read, see your family, and travel.  But also, take care of some basic Fletcher student needs, such as housing, career planning, and language preparation.

2 thoughts on “Students’ summer suggestions

  • Couldn’t agree more with all these suggestions, particularly with Veronica’s. Deadlines for various internships, especially in the public sector, come particularly fast in the fall, so it’s important to know what you’re interested in sooner rather than later, so OCS can help put together the best application package.

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