General Admissions News

I hear there’s some nervousness out there…

It appears that Early Notification applicants are getting jittery, wondering where we are in the notification process.  That’s completely understandable, though we tend to figure that, as long as we’re well ahead of our stated January 1 notification date, all is good.

Keeping our feet to the fire are blog-reading detectives who have noticed that last Friday’s Admissions Committee meeting occurred a week later than the similar gathering in 2010, and I want to acknowledge that notification will also be later than it was last year.

Here’s a bit of an explanation.  The EN deadline is always November 15, but Thanksgiving falls at different times in November, as does the last day of Fletcher classes.  We put these and other calendar issues together and come up with a schedule for ourselves.  This year, we were also set back by the off-site meeting that Laurie, Jeff, and Dan are attending this week.  They’ll be back on Wednesday, which is when we’ll start the final-process clean-up work.  So I encourage you to relax.  We’re on a different schedule from last year, but we’re right on track for this year, and you’ll be hearing soon.