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Inbox Triage

This week I carried on assorted email dialogues with Laurie when she was in Washington, D.C. and New York, Kristen while she sat in an overheated terminal at Houston airport on her way to Mexico City, and Jeff as he went to Los Angeles and San Francisco.  In fact, though Tracy and I were the only staff members on campus for the entire week, we all share a common challenge — keeping up with the flow of email.

My colleagues may be more successful than I in conquering their inbox each day.  For myself, I just can’t seem to answer all the questions as efficiently as I’d like, much as I attempt a daily triage to ensure I take care of as many as possible.  I start nearly every message with an apology for being so slow in responding.  Have you received one of those from me, dear blog reader?  You’re not alone.

I hope you’ll bear with me (and my Admissions pals) while we do our best to answer everyone in a timely way.  Remember that some of your questions require research.  Others could be quick if we didn’t first need to find your file.  Our intentions are good.  Some time soon, I’ll look at my inbox and find no unanswered messages.  Not today, mind you, but some time soon.

2 thoughts on “Inbox Triage

  • Thank you, Nihal! Overall, I think everyone on the staff would agree that our interaction with applicants and students is the best part of our jobs — but sometimes it can be overwhelming!

  • I can imagine how busy all of you are and from my side, I’ve always appreciated the effort, speed and the clarity with which you and the rest of the Admission Team answer my questions. Many Thanks Ms. Daniels..!

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