General Admissions News

Never made it to a Roundtable

My moments out of the office ended yesterday shortly after the last of my posts.  Admitted students started flowing in with questions, and the next thing I knew it was nearly 5:30.  So I never made it over to check out the Roundtable Discussions, or anything else that happened after 2:30.  Maybe next year!  At least I was able to have my memory refreshed about one of our dual degree programs — with the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna.

But as for admitted student events, the Fletcher Open House was only the first I’ll visit this year.  I’ll be accompanying my daughter Kayla to three others, though I don’t expect to attend more than the panel the undergraduate programs all organize for parents.  Then she can attend classes and activities while I visit friends, read a book, drink coffee, and otherwise pass the time until she has seen all she needs to see.