Our Neighborhood

Never mind past weekends — something for the coming one

I’ve fallen behind on my favorite topic — reporting on my weekend activities.  There were two weekends spent with the students we hosted (quite a bit of shopping, a trip to the beach, a boat trip to George’s Island), and more beach on a beautiful morning this past Sunday, but recently the weekends haven’t seemed blog-worthy.

This coming weekend, though — definitely worth a mention.  For the second year, Boston will host a visit by world class cliff divers.  Yes, Boston — a city that barely rises above sea level at its highest point — is the host of the world series of cliff diving.  How? you wonder.  The divers leap off a platform on the cantilever roof of the Institute of Contemporary Art.

I would really like to go — partly because I like to watch diving, but mostly because cliff diving in Boston is a crazy idea.  Alas, I won’t be able to be there, so I need a blog reader to go and tell me about it.  Or don’t tell me about it, but go anyway, because it’s got to be something special.  That’s why I’m writing about it on Tuesday — to give you the best chance to organize your weekend around the diving Saturday afternoon.  (Send pix, please!)

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