General Admissions NewsOur Neighborhood

Not just Admissions getting ready

Summer time is construction time on the Tufts campus.  I stepped out of the office to capture the projects closest to Fletcher’s front door.  Happily, there’s not as much disruptive activity this year as there was in July/August 2011, but it’s still not hard to find a piece of construction machinery.  If you happen to be Tufts President Anthony Monaco, the construction is your front lawn.

Though Gifford House is only marginally accessible at the moment, the objective, once the project is complete, is to improve accessibility for all.

Walking down the brand new sidewalks for a few more yards beyond Gifford House, and we have the redesign of the intersection of Packard Avenue and Professor’s Row.  Because Tufts is not walled off from the surrounding community, anyone driving or biking in the neighborhood might travel on one of these streets.  A new raised intersection should improve safety.

These and the other projects on campus are due to be complete before Orientation, meaning more eyes that those in Fletcher Admissions are watching the calendar to be sure we’re ready for the return of students.