General Admissions News

A few surface enhancements

As you know, the Admissions Office has been joined by three new (though increasingly experienced) staff members this fall, and Christine, Katherine, and Liz are all making their mark on how we do things.  Recently, Christine decided our small interview room needed a little brightening.  She added a miniature zen garden, along with folders containing information on topics helpful to applicants.

On Thursday, I held my breath as I worked with another Fletcher staffer, Geoff, who has far stronger technical skills than I do, to transition the blog to a new and more modern theme.  Not much changed (and the breath-holding was just an ill-informed fear that all past posts would vaporize mysteriously in the transition), but I finally have the ability to wrap text around photos.  Some of the fonts are changed, too, to better match the rest of the Fletcher website.  All-in-all, applicants will benefit more from Christine’s colorful files of information than from the new photo placement, but I still thought I’d mention the reason behind the blog’s somewhat-altered appearance.