Our Faculty

Perspective on the election from Prof. Fawaz

Yesterday, Prof. Leila Fawaz shared with the community a piece she had written about Monday’s presidential debate.  One paragraph seemed particularly relevant to our professional school of international affairs.  She wrote, “Happily for us, the United States possesses a deep reservoir of foreign experts and diplomats who have spent their life studying a region, issue, or people.”  She goes on to conclude that, “No matter who wins this election, my hope therefore is that the United States in 2013 draws upon its unprecedented expertise and contacts to construct a strong foreign policy of consistency and empathy. Such a policy, surely, might well win the support of ordinary people the world over, tired of the ravages of war and the brutality of bombs.”

You can read more of Prof. Fawaz’s comments, along with other thoughts on the election from her fellow historians, on the American Historical Association’s Perspectives Online site.  (Scroll down to the Election 2012 special.)