General Admissions News

Interviewer lunch time!

I had hoped for a substantive blog post today, but it looks like I’m not going to be able to create the time.  In just a few minutes, I’ll head upstairs for the annual lunch to thank our volunteer interviewers.  We’ve been so lucky this year to have a large and engaged team, and a simple lunch hardly compensates for the enormous contribution they make to the admissions process.  Even in slow weeks, we conduct fifteen interviews — far more than the staff could offer without student support.

And this year, for the first time, a team drawn from these same volunteers will review the recorded interviews that applicants can choose to submit.  The online interview option will be live by next week, and we’re holding our collective breath, not knowing if one dozen, or a hundred dozen, applicants will submit one.  Something new and exciting for this year’s admissions cycle!