Our Alumni

A little alumni news and follow-up

I hear about alumni and their activities in various ways.  There are always the official channels, and then there are the unofficial (email, facebook, etc.).  Lately, these media have directed a variety of information my way, and I thought I’d share what I know, partly because it’s such a pleasant hodge-podge.

First, there’s the update on Manjula and Educate Lanka.  They won the reader’s choice Millennial Impact competition on the Huffington Post!  Well done, Educate Lanka!

On a slightly related note (the connection being alumni who are already working with their own non-profits when they start at Fletcher), there’s Qiam and the Afghan Scholars Initiative.  While I don’t have any special news to share at this time, I might as well use the blog to help ASI, as well as your holiday shopping, by pointing blog readers toward Jawan — your source for scarves, with proceeds going to ASI.  Qiam is back in Afghanistan right now, but he left a team of scarf salespeople at Fletcher, who have fostered sales by telling the community that wearing a Jawan scarf will definitely increase your hipster cred.

A little PhD alumni news:  Maria Stephan, who also has a MALD degree, recently shared the World Order Prize for a study of civil resistance.

And then alumni news from a Fletcher friend.  Charles Scott and I got to know each other during my first (pre-Admissions) Fletcher career, when he was a MALD student.  After Fletcher, he worked for many years for Intel, but he left the corporate world a while back to pursue endurance athletics full time.  Now he has a book, Rising Son, which chronicles the bicycle trip he took across Japan with his son, Sho.  (He later biked with both Sho and Saya, his daughter, around Iceland.  Book to follow?)  While not signing books at some event, Charlie sends me regular updates on his activities (biking solo from New York to DC in 36 hours or less, running the Grand Canyon rim-to-rim, and other crazy stuff).  And he writes for the Huffington Post, too.  Even if you’re not into endurance feats, you may relate to Charlie’s work on behalf of the environment and related organizations.