General Admissions News

Thank you, Admissions Blog readers!

Yesterday I was shuffling through piles of application files with Christine, and every so often she was left waiting while I read something that interested me.  Sometimes it was my own (now forgotten) notes on an applicant.  What really caught my attention, though, were a few references to the blog.  It’s satisfying to know that applicants are acting on the suggestions we pass along.

This is the blog’s 847th post, which seems like a lot, though a less impressive tally given that we launched the blog in September 2006 when I kicked things off at the stunning pace of one post per month.  With the support, suggestions, and written contributions of the Admissions staff, and increasingly of students and alumni who bring news or interesting tidbits to my attention, we continue to try to meet applicants’ needs while also reflecting our interesting community.

Today, as I have done in past years, I want to thank those of you who have been reading the blog regularly or occasionally throughout the year.  March is action packed for most of you:  anxious waiting and compulsive checking of email and websites in the first weeks, followed by sorting through admission offers at the end of the month.  I hope that, throughout March and all the preceding twelve months, you have felt that the blog (complemented by the Admissions facebook page and the new Twitter feed) provided helpful information while you considered if The Fletcher School offers the right graduate program for you.  If you have suggestions, or if you feel the blog has failed to give you the information you need, please let us know with an email or a comment on this post.

As application reviewers, Admissions Committee members become attached to applicants — even more so when we meet someone on the road or at Fletcher.  March is filled with excitement and disappointment for us, too, as we share decisions and details with applicants.  I hope all of the blog’s readers end up with graduate school options that are satisfying and that will launch you on the career path you seek, whether you join us at Fletcher or pursue your studies elsewhere.  Meanwhile, thank you for reading the Admissions Blog!

And happy 161st birthday wishes to Austin Barclay Fletcher!