About Fletcher

How can you fit all the interesting Fletcher classes into two years? Ariel explains.

Wednesday’s survey yielded a bunch of useful questions and topics for the blog!  Today, Ariel takes on the first of the questions I passed her way.

Dear Ariel:  Now that I am admitted, and the more I read about Fletcher courses, I feel that I would like to take way more classes than I can fit into two years.  Is it o.k. to use the first semester to look into several subjects and decide on Fields of Study in the second semester?

The number of interesting and intriguing classes at Fletcher can at times be overwhelming!  In addition, it can be hard to narrow down Fletcher’s 23 Fields of Study into the two Fields needed to complete your depth requirement.  There are just so many fascinating topics to pursue!  Your options are really endless when you add in the option to self-design your own field of study.  However, I would say it is definitely okay to use the first semester to narrow down your interests.  Just make sure, if you are branching out into new areas you may not specialize in, that those courses also satisfy some of your breadth requirements.

It is definitely smart to start narrowing your options early, though, to make sure you are able to complete your course requirements within your two years at Fletcher.  So start off your first semester with four possible Fields of Study, not nine.  Because some courses are only offered in the spring and others are only offered in the fall, the earlier you make a plan for your two years, the better.  Also, just because you don’t have room for a special topic in your course schedule doesn’t mean you can’t learn about it during your time at Fletcher.  With all the speakers and events put on by student organizations, you’ll definitely have the opportunity to expand your knowledge and interests.

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