General Admissions News

OH End of the Day

DSCN1243[1]The Open House is still going, but it’s starting to wind down.  Quite a few people have already stopped in to say goodbye and ask about getting to the airport.  One of the final events of the day is the Student Clubs Fair, which is bustling.

For the second year, I regret that I never attended a roundtable — not even the one I helped to organize!  Attending a class is great, but we know that classes aren’t the only forum for sharing the collective knowledge of the School, and Open House roundtables allow us to extend the options for the day.  Roundtables this year included discussions of:

  • Development and Humanitarian Assistance
  • Veterans at Tufts University
  • Students in Security Studies
  • International Environment and Resource Policy
  • Diplomacy and Practice
  • Law at Fletcher
  • Business in Practice at Fletcher
  • Fletcher Writers (the panel I helped put together)

The Open House is our annual opportunity to turn paper applicants into real people.  Tomorrow will be just another day in the office while we learn which of today’s visitors will be joining us for Orientation in August.

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