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Blog content this week and next

Obviously, this has not been a great week for blogging.  I had been enjoying a regular almost-every-day writing schedule, but my discipline fell apart this week, along with several other tasks that I had intended but failed to complete.  (Feedback requesters:  Hang in there!  I’m definitely turning to your requests next week.)  I wasn’t even able to grab the time to write about my favorite summer blog topic, which is how I spent my weekend in Fletcher’s fun neighborhood.

(Thank you for asking!  Last weekend, I went to a play, a movie, a museum, a ballet, an Irish pub, and the beach.  Maybe I’ll provide details on a future slow news day.)

I promise to get my act together next week.  For starters, I want to share the summer reading suggestions of our professors.  I’ll post the first part of the list on Monday.  Meanwhile, have a great weekend!

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