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From The Boston Globe

Every now and then I see a reference to a Fletcher student or graduate in The Boston Globe and I save the link for a future blog post.  Today I thought I’d mention two stories, both from a Sunday paper, but on different topics and spaced about four months apart.  The first story chronologically was about Mariah Steele, class of 2011, who has melded her Fletcher education with dance in her work as founder of the Quicksilver Dance Company.  And she didn’t make these connections in a haphazard way — she even had it all figured out for her thesis.

More recently, there was the Globe front-page story on Joseph Dunford, class of 1992, who is among the military leaders charged with wrapping up U.S. involvement in Afghanistan in the coming years.

You may have seen mention of these articles previously through other Fletcher communications (also including Twitter, etc.), but I like the effect that’s created by pairing them together.  It’s hard to imagine a master’s-level program that could produce two graduates who go in such dramatically different directions, but that’s what Fletcher is all about!