Meet the Admissions staff week
Last summer at this time, we were staggering off of weeks of interviewing to fill three positions (out of a total of seven) in Admissions. This summer we’re thrilled to have a stable cast of characters. One of those newer staffers, Christine, suggested that we reintroduce ourselves, and that we do so by describing our summer activities. Even better, Christine offered to do all the work. ( 🙂 Happy blogger, me!)
So the next three posts will come from Christine, who has carefully curated each of our Admissions pals’ submissions. I hope you’ll enjoy reading them. And when you receive an email from one of us in the coming months, please feel free to offer your thoughts on our movie, book, or vacation choices. For today, let me just recap who’s who. We all do a bit of everything, so I will simply point out the key distinguishing features of our roles.
- Christine Richardson — your first contact in the Admissions Office, sitting at the front desk and answering many of your phone calls and emails
- Dan Birdsall — one of the associate directors and Admissions liaison to the LLM program (also the only one among us to have graduated from Fletcher!)
- Katherine Sadowski — our data and systems expert, who may also be on the other end of your email exchange
- Laurie Hurley — Admissions director (i.e., our boss) and liaison to the MA program
- Liz Wagoner — another associate director and our social media guru
- Kristen Zecchi — MIB admissions director who also oversees many programmatic and organizational aspects of the MIB program
Last, aside from generally doing the blogging, I’m the liaison for the PhD program.
You can use these brief descriptions as reference while you read Christine’s posts for the next three days. Enjoy!