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Interviews, the Fletcher way

There’s a certain irony that the week when Fletcher turns lively is also a week when I don’t have much time to write about it in the blog.  I’ll do better next week!

Meanwhile, I wanted to say a quick word about the Fletcher approach to admissions interviews.

We’ll be kicking off the season for on-campus interviews on Monday, September 23.  There is also an option to record an interview as part of your application.  Both forms of interviews are strictly optional.  But I would encourage you to try to include one in your application.

We’re going to have plenty to say about both the on-campus and online interviews in the coming weeks.  Today, I’ll just cover two key organizational points about scheduling an on-campus interview.

Point One:  Interviews are generally offered only through the first week of December, and most applicants plan to schedule their interview before submitting their application.  It isn’t an invitation process — it’s your decision.  (Yes, I know that many professional schools take a different approach, but their approach is not relevant for your Fletcher application.)  So if you’re going to want to interview on campus, you should make your plans to visit now.

Point Two:  If you’re going to visit, you should call us soon to schedule your interview.  Right now, there are appointments available nearly every hour on nearly every day (Monday to Friday) throughout the fall.  Come up with a visit concept (date, morning/afternoon) and then call (or email, though calling can be more efficient) and grab a time.

As I said, more details will follow, but I want to get the word out there that now is a good time to plan your Fletcher visit.