General Admissions News

December 16 update

A quick update today on what’s happening in Admissions and at Fletcher.

In Admissions, we are:

  • Wrapping up the Early Notification process;
  • Awaiting the PhD and Map Your Future applications, which are due this Friday, December 20;
  • Preparing for the January 10 deadline for September 2014 admission, when we’ll receive the majority of our applications to the master’s level programs;
  • Getting ready to welcome the class entering in January 2014.

It’s one of those moments when the admissions process looks distinctly different, depending on which group you belong to.  Those aiming for the January 10 deadline still have plenty of time to relax and procrastinate, while the PhD applicants are scribing away.

Meanwhile, at Fletcher, it’s quieter and quieter, as students peel away.  Although exams continue through Wednesday, many students have already completed their commitments and are on their way to distant locales.  If the sudden quiet weren’t notification enough that the winter break is nearing, the weekend’s snow was a clear reminder.  The Admissions Office will remain open throughout the break, but we look forward to a chance to recharge and prepare for the super busy stretch that runs from January to May.

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