Admissions TipsGeneral Admissions News

EN Update: Congratulations and advice

Decisions were posted yesterday for our Early Notification applicants so, today, I’ll try to anticipate incoming questions and answer them before you have a chance to ask.

First, allow me to congratulate those applicants who have already been admitted!  We’re excited to welcome new students to the community, and I read some super applications in this round!  I’m sure it’s good news that you can just relax through the next three months.  Scholarship decisions will go out with the next round of admission decisions at the end of March, but you don’t need to make a final enrollment decision until April 20.  Meanwhile, I encourage you to use this time to gather information about Fletcher so that you’re ready to make an informed decision.  Of course, if you already know you’ll attend Fletcher, all the better!

Next, let me say that I’m sorry to bid farewell to a group of applicants who were denied admission.  We always regret making these difficult decisions, but we hope it will help the applicants make their choices on where else they should apply.

Finally (and most complicated) are the applicants who were told we will discuss them again after we receive applications for our regular deadline in January.  That is, we wish to look at the applications in the context of the larger application pool.  Important to note if you fall in this group:  you are welcome/invited/encouraged to update us on changes to your credentials.  Here’s a list of updates that we particularly value:

  • An updated transcript that reflects grades received since you submitted your application;
  • New standardized exam (GRE, GMAT, TOEFL, IELTS) score reports;
  • A revised résumé that includes information on a new job position;
  • An additional recommendation that sheds light on an aspect of your background you weren’t able to illuminate in other parts of the application.

Are you thinking of something not included on the above list?  It may be a fine addition.  Just use this simple rule of thumb:  if the information is already in your file in another form, there’s not much value in sending it again.  That is, an additional academic recommendation will add little to an application that already includes three.  On the other hand, a professional recommendation will add a lot to an application that only includes academic recommendations.  Think it through before you flood us with info, but don’t hesitate to send us something that will give your application a happy bump.

Whether you were offered admission this week, or you were told we’ll reconsider your application in the spring, we look forward to hearing from you and to working with you during the coming months.  Please be sure to be in touch if you have questions.

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