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Dean Stavridis sharing views

Last Sunday, while I was doing a bit of cooking, I had good (and informative) company through the airwaves from Dean Stavridis, who was interviewed on NPR about the crisis in Ukraine.  In any week, the dean can be found in a number of different forums, starting with his own blog and Twitter feed.  He also has a new book coming out this fall.  But the real reason for this short post is to bring your attention to a column he wrote for Time.com about his transition to an academic life.  Among his other observations:  “I went from the crisp efficiency of the U.S. military to what feels like, in comparison, the free-wheeling academic carnival that is higher education.”  One year into his tenure as dean, Dean Stavridis seems to be thoroughly enjoying the “challenge of leading and mentoring young people, helping guide the trajectory of their lives in a positive direction,” despite the “startling shift” in his environment.