General Admissions News

Not to worry — the application’s coming soon

We’ve been hearing that people want to start applying to Fletcher, and they’re asking why we don’t have an application available.  The answer is that we’re still developing our new application system, but we’re on track to make it available in August.

Most of the change that this application will bring is going to be felt by the Admissions Staff.  We’ll be reading applications online for the first time!  But we’re confident that prospective students for 2015 are going to find the new application more friendly.  Among other improvements over our old system:  it will be harder to submit an application that is missing information.  Yep, that’s right — we’re creating an application that will help you avoid errors.  At the same time as we fully intend to kick off the new application in August, we also believe that it will be worth waiting for.

Meanwhile, I’ll point you back about a month to a post in which I provided the essay questions.  Feel free to sharpen up your #2 pencil and start writing.