Multidisciplinary Ebola forums
Today I want to highlight a series of events that concluded last night, when members of the community were invited to participate in the final of three sessions focused on the Ebola virus and the current outbreak. The sessions have reflected the depth and breadth of knowledge on the subject that could be drawn together at Tufts University and the Boston community. In an email, Tufts Provost David Harris noted:
The Ebola crisis epitomizes the inextricable linkages between human, animal, and environmental health, an approach referred to as “One Health,” and will require a multinational and multidisciplinary response. At Tufts, we are uniquely positioned to contribute to a One Health response and research agenda, given the constellation of schools and departments that span the humanities, social sciences, human and veterinary medicine, and environmental sciences.
The agenda for last night was:
Ebola: Mutations, Markets, and the Military
Wednesday, November 5, 6:30pm |ASEAN
Dr. Gian Luca Burci, Legal counsel to World Health Organization
Dr. Rachel Glennester, Executive Director of J-Pal, IGC Economist-Sierra Leone
Dr. Nahid Bhadelia, Director, Infection Control at NEIDL, Boston University
Benjamin Spatz, Arms Expert, UN Panel of Experts Liberia, and current Fletcher PhD student
Moderated by Fletcher Academic Dean Ian Johnstone
The prior forums included:
Ebola Outbreak: Causes and Consequences at a Global Scale
Keynote speaker: Dr. Joia Mukherjee, Partners in Health, Chief Medical Officer
Dr. Margaret McMillan, Economics Department, Tufts University
Dr. Elena Naumova, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Tufts University
Dr. Rosalind Shaw, Department of Anthropology, Tufts University
Dr. Christopher Whittier, Center for Conservation Medicine, Tufts University
Ethical Considerations of the Ebola Outbreak
Dr. Richard Glickman-Simon, Physician-ethicist
Dr. Horacio Hojman, Physician-ethicist
Dr. Sheldon Krimsky, Medical ethicist
Dr. Laura Epstein, CDC official
Marcia Boumil, Public health attorney
It’s energizing to be part of a community that can draw together such diverse expertise to shed light on a topic of global importance.