About Fletcher

Help with loan repayments

Even as you’re putting the final flourishes on your Fletcher application, you should be working on your plan for financing your graduate education.  (Even better would be that you already have a plan!)  While it’s fine to wait and see what funding you receive from the schools that offer you admission, it’s important to have a plan in place for if you receive less scholarship funding than you hope for.

In that context, I want to bring your attention to the Tufts University Loan Repayment Assistance Program.  Through LRAP, alumni who take post-graduation jobs in the public or not-for-profit sectors can receive support for the duration of the time they are making loan repayments.  The actual amount each LRAP applicant will receive depends on level of debt and current income.  Naturally, there are guidelines for applying, but for those who meet the guidelines, LRAP can be a big help with finances after graduation.

I hasten to note that students should not see LRAP as an invitation to take on more loans than are absolutely needed.  Still, the program can be an element of your overall plan for financing your Fletcher studies.