General Admissions News

Our goal? Timely responses. The reality? Well…

Ten days have passed since we released admissions decisions and it has been pretty much nonstop email since then, punctuated only by phone calls.  With spring break over, there will be a return to other commitments that take our time.

I worked quite a bit beyond my usual schedule last week, and I’m proud to say that I am caught up with my email!  As of Wednesday, that is.  I still have a batch of outstanding messages from Thursday through the weekend.  Yikes.

At the same time as we strive to help you gather information about Fletcher, I hope that you’ll understand if there’s a delay in our response.  I try to answer quickly the emails that only contain a simple question.  The messages that require chasing down information or creating documents definitely take longer.  Please be patient with me and my admissions pals.  We’re running/typing as fast as we can.

We’re looking forward to a busy Open House next month, but many admitted applicants can’t attend at that time and would like to visit on another day.  Of course!  Come over!  But just understand that the Admissions Staff won’t be here on weekend days.  We try to line up student volunteers, but sometimes there is so much going on here that it’s hard to find someone.  If you can be flexible in your timing, it’s a big help.  Sometimes we can even group a few visitors and put together an information session for you.  Again, we’ll do everything we can to facilitate your visit, but some requests are harder to satisfy than others.

Have you decided to accept a place on the waitlist?  We welcome your visit, too.  We’ll be able to give you a little extra attention if you wait until April 15.  Meanwhile, feel free to call or email.

Back to my inbox.  My goal for the day is to catch up on all the messages that arrived by yesterday.  With two long meetings today, that may still be too ambitious, but I’ll do my best!