For the future “Januarians” out there
Lost in the whirlwind that characterizes the start of the semester is attention to our applicants for January enrollment. It just seems impossible that our first application deadline of 2015-16 could be less than a month away. (I wrote that in mellow lower case, but what’s going through my head is “LESS THAN A MONTH AWAY!!!“)
Though most students start their studies in September, there are lots of good reasons to think about January as a good MALD or MIB enrollment option. The Januarian group tends to be (and remain, throughout their two years) very close. It’s an instant peer group — far more manageable than the wave that rolls in each September. The option to take two summers for internships also works well for students who are exploring more than one career path. If those reasons, as well as the general timing, make sense to you, then it’s time to start your application.
There’s no time like the present, then, to share some tips with the applicants who may be our next crop of Januarians. Because the application timeframe may creep up on you, just as it has for me, I suggest that you start an application right away, if you haven’t already done so. You don’t need to do much with it yet, but make sure you know what will be required. The essays are straightforward, but they may take you some time to perfect. Don’t wait too much longer to start drafting them.
At last week’s APSIA fair, I was reminded how often we’re asked for our advice on how to put together a good application. My best, if most basic, advice: Follow the directions. Yep, if everyone followed this simple advice, we would see a lot more high quality applications. More advice can be found in a post from last December. And you should also check out our Application Boot Camp from last fall for more ideas.
Finally, if you hope to include an evaluative interview as part of your application, you need to schedule that now. The first week of our interview calendar (which starts September 28) is nearly full already. Whether you’re able to visit campus or you prefer to take advantage of the new Skype option, you’ll want to schedule your interview for before the application deadline of October 15.
We’re looking forward to reading some great applications in October! As ever, if you have questions, be sure to contact us.