General Admissions News

Wrapping up one process and starting another

Applications for January enrollment were due only one week ago, but we’re already looking toward the end of the process.  We’ll continue reading/discussing the applications and then, when they all have had their moment, we’ll pivot immediately to finalizing decisions.  It’s our most compact application review period, but we don’t have much time to play with — admitted students need to make plans!

While we complete that process, we’re also turning toward the Early Notification deadline of November 15 (three and a half weeks away!).  More and more questions fill the inbox as prospective students get serious about their applications.  If you’re one of those people, I might suggest you peruse our Application Boot Camp posts from about one year ago.

I have been the office slacker when it comes to reading the applications for January enrollment.  Creating a block of time to read is on my list for this afternoon.

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