One activity ends, another begins
I’m ALWAYS excited for the December Admissions Committee meeting at which we consider Early Notification applications. It’s the first time our full new Committee gathers together for discussion, and the meeting helps us chart the course for all the reading/reviewing we’ll do in the future. I’ll be heading over in just a few minutes to grab a cup of coffee and do some pre-meeting chatting.
But just as we’re starting up the new Admissions Committee, we’ll be closing up another activity. Today is the last official day of the Fall Semester interview program. Aside from a few straggler appointments set up at the request of eager volunteers, we won’t be seeing much of our interviewers from here on. We really appreciate their work throughout the semester, particularly this year for our Skype experiment. We thanked them last week at a lunch where I grabbed a photo of the first students to arrive.
So now I’m off to the meeting, and the start of the heart of the 2015-2016 Admissions Committee process.