General Admissions News

The quietest week

I remember reading with my kids a book about kindergarten students who think their teacher lives at school (shuffling down the hall in her pink slippers and bathrobe).  I’m confident that no Fletcher students imagine a similar scene of professors and staff members drinking hot cocoa in the Hall of Flags, but I can tell you what it is like here in the week between Christmas and New Year’s:  Quiet.  Very quiet.  Students are gone — taking time with family or friends in the area or far away.  Professors are gone — even if they’re still grading exams and papers, they’re generally not doing it at Fletcher.  And many staff members are gone — with students and professors away, it’s a perfect time for us to take vacation.

But the School is still open, and in the Admissions Office, we continue moving the application process along.  That said, the Office will be closed tomorrow and Friday for the New Year’s holiday.  We’ll be back on Monday, and we hope that we will be greeted by some applications that are submitted over the holiday weekend.

All of us in the Office of Admissions send our wishes to you for a happy and peaceful 2016!

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