General Admissions News

We’re here!

Check check checkity check check.  We have gone through the master to-do list and arrived at the day when we will release decisions.  Here are the details.

First, all decisions will be released today by 3:00 p.m. EST (UTC-5) for all complete applications except for the MATA program.  (MATA decisions will go out soon, but not this week.)

When your decision is ready, you’ll receive an email to check your Application Status Page.  (Reminder for those who haven’t bookmarked the page:  To access your Application Status Page you can either click the “Start an Application” link on the Admissions website or the application link.  You’ll log in with the email and password you used when you created your application.)

There will be no releasing of decisions by telephone or email, so please be patient.

I already described the different decision options on Tuesday and Wednesday.  In addition to learning their admission decision, when admitted applicants log in, they will be able to find their scholarship award.

Beyond all that, let me just say that it is truly a pleasure to work with our applicants.  On the road, here at Fletcher, and through correspondence, Admissions staff members connect with hundreds of people who submit applications each year.  Our connection with some applicants goes back many years.  At the same time as the Admissions Committee’s mandate is to put together a class that will succeed at, contribute to, and benefit from Fletcher, there are many people who may not be admitted at this time but who we know will ultimately be great students.  We hope to see you again.  Meanwhile, I want to thank all of you for your interest in Fletcher and for reading the Admissions Blog throughout the year.