Snowstorm (and decision release) plus one day
Yesterday’s storm really was something, but we’re all digging out today. If you haven’t already checked your application status page, you’ll find that it probably has your admission decision (assuming your application was complete). If you had deferred your enrollment from a previous term, or if you were admitted last fall (Early Notification), and if you applied for a scholarship, you’ll find award information there, too.
And today I want to offer my congratulations to everyone who was admitted! We’re excited to start the next phase of our work — meeting you (in person or virtually) and taking your questions. In the next five weeks, student-by-student, the Fall 2018 class will form and we know the Hall of Flags will be filled with talented and inspiring people in September.
Five weeks should be plenty of time to choose a graduate school, but it’s not necessarily more time than you’ll need. Even if you have already decided to enroll at Fletcher, we suggest you use these weeks to collect useful details to guide your planning. If you haven’t already selected a school, we hope you’ll make an informed decision — often we find that a lot of research goes into the selection of schools to apply to, but the more complex questions are raised only after admission decisions go out. To that end, contact us, review the Fletcher website, and be sure to look at the student profiles, which will connect you with our community. We’ll also be sharing tons of information with you during the next few weeks, aiming to surround you with Fletcher love. Naturally, we hope you’ll decide to enroll here.
To those who were offered a place on the waitlist, we know that extra waiting is not what you want to do. A little advance notice that, if you are offered admission down the road, you’ll have a very narrow window for making your decision. Please be sure you’re ready, should the opportunity arise.
And, finally, if you were not offered admission, remember that you can request feedback after May 1. We will offer you information that will help you understand the Admissions Committee’s decision. Following the guidance we provide is often the pathway to a successful future application.
Even without yesterday’s storm, this would be a busy day. The Fletcher Admissions email inbox was filling up quickly by yesterday afternoon. As I said, we’re digging out — both from the snow and the email and phone messages.