General Admissions News

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Even as the arrival of new students is the focus for the Admissions staff this week, there’s a whole lot already on the Admissions calendar.  Starting on September 11 with the first APSIA event, at least one Admissions staffer will be on the road until mid-November.  Check out our travel calendar for information about events near you.

And, naturally, we have a full schedule back at Fletcher, too.  The interview schedule is gradually filling up and folks are registering for on-campus information sessions.  We have Visit Days planned for October 15, November 5, and December 3.  Although you can cover the topics/activities included in a Visit Day in other ways, attending one is definitely the most efficient way to arrange to attend an information session, interview, current student panel, lunch with students, and class visits all in the same day.  By 1:00, you’ll feel like a Fletcher student!

A reminder that interviews are evaluative but optional.  And, whether you interview on-campus or via Skype, the interview will also be helpful for you in gathering information about Fletcher.  Note that the interview program runs from September through December 7 only.  That is, you interview before you apply.

My Admissions pals are looking forward to meeting you on the road or here at Fletcher this fall!

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