About Fletcher

Fletcher reports on cybersecurity

Perhaps, like me, your data was stolen in one of the many different hacks of a retail or financial institution.  Or perhaps you’ve been unsure what all this hacking of elections might mean.  In either case, I’d encourage you to check out the most recent Tufts Magazine, which takes a broad view of cybersecurity and includes several articles by members of the Fletcher community, including:

When Attackers Pull the Plug on the Internet,” by 2012 Fletcher PhD graduate Alison Lawlor Russell, professor of political science at Merrimack College and author of Cyber Blockades and Strategic A2/AD in Cyberspace.

Power Plants and Transportation Systems Are at Risk,” by Scott E. DePasquale, F14, president and CEO of the Financial Systemic Analysis & Resilience Center.

Cybersecurity is a growing area of the Fletcher curriculum, but as you can tell from the backgrounds of the authors above, the subject has been studied here for quite some time.  And the Tufts Magazine feature isn’t all that’s happening on the topic right now.  I also want to point you toward an upcoming conference, “Protecting Civilian Institutions and Infrastructure from Cyber Operations: Designing International Law and Organizations,” taking place here on September 14 and 15 and organized by Fletcher’s new Center for International Law and Governance — a terrific start for a new center.