Admissions Tips

We help you get in shape!

Though the Admissions staff has little to add to your exercise routine, we do know our way around the admissions process.  I’ve consulted my Admissions pals and asked them to share their suggestions for two phases of the application cycle — the current moment (pre-application) and that point, many months in the future, when you learn you have been admitted to Fletcher.

Why did I create this particular structure for their suggestions?  This past spring (probably no more than other years, though it seemed that way), I was talking to a lot of admitted students who had last given thought to Fletcher in January.  They pressed “submit” on the application and, thinking they had done their part, figured there was nothing more to do until responses from Fletcher and their other graduate schools arrived.  And then…they learned they had been admitted, but they were missing so much information that it was very difficult for them to select their graduate program.

Friends, don’t be that applicant.  It’s stressful for you and us alike.  Instead, while you’re working on your application, also think ahead to April, when you’ll need to make a final graduate school selection.

To help you out with your application and that post-decision process, I’ll be sharing the thoughts of the Admissions staff this week and next.  It’s a feature I’ve been calling “Prep for App/Prep for April.”  Come on back to this space tomorrow for the first of our suggestions.