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Career planning and the Master of International Business (MIB) program

Longtime readers will know Lucas from past blog contributions. Over the past few years, Lucas has become our primary in-house application process and information systems expert (and we continue to turn to him to remind us how to do things, whether he likes it or not). He’s also taken on a new role working with our international business degree program. Lucas will drop in on the blog periodically to highlight the various goings-on within the program, as well as with the Institute for Business in the Global Context (IBGC), the Fletcher research center that houses it:

Regular readers of the blog might remember a post earlier in September detailing some of the staff re-organizing we’ve done here in Admissions. For me, this shuffle meant an opportunity to dive into supporting a degree program that had previously been under the capable stewardship of my colleague Kristen – the Master of International Business (MIB) program. I’ve always had a broad understanding of the international business offerings here at Fletcher, but now as the main representative of the program to prospective students, I’ve developed a whole new appreciation for the diversity of opportunities available to students interested in anything including global finance, sustainability, public investment, political risk, innovation, social enterprises, and many more areas. As I learn more and more, I’m constantly reminded of how singular the Fletcher approach to business education is, and how crucial a full understanding of the global context is for business students and professionals. As the academic year moves along, I’m planning to highlight some of the opportunities that MIB students take advantage of, and the events, conferences, guest lectures, and symposia that make the MIB program so unique.

Fletcher students can count on participating in at least two career trips each year organized through the Office of Career Services: one to New York City in January, and one to Washington, DC in February. These are crucial opportunities for students to jump-start their internship or job search by networking with potential employers, participating in site visits, and attending sector- and industry-specific panels. While these trips are broad in scope and meant to provide something of interest for every Fletcher student, those who wish to enter the private sector need to engage with employers earlier in the process, as many internship and job application deadlines are often earlier in the fall.

To help address this need, Fletcher’s International Business Club organizes an additional career trek to New York City every fall with a specific focus on private sector work, and this year’s trip took place just a couple weeks ago. I asked one of the organizers of the trip if they could share more information of the companies they visited – the list is below. As you can see, it’s quite a diverse range of organizations, with options for anyone interested in finance/ banking, international consulting, development consulting, design and strategy, political risk, philanthropy, poverty reduction, and non-profit work. MIB students relish this opportunity to meet with Fletcher alums at each of these locations and hear from recruiting managers on the professional opportunities they offer. It’s a valuable opportunity to get a jump start on the summer internship and job search.


•    Rockefeller Foundation
•    Eurasia Group
•    Deloitte
•    JP Morgan
•    Acumen Fund
•    Standard Chartered Bank
•    ConsenSys
•    United Technologies Digital Accelerator
•    Dalberg Advisors
•    Morgan Stanley
•    GreenMax Capital Advisors
•    frog

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