General Admissions News

Deadline reminder: one week to go!

January 10Regular readers may have been happy to have a bit of a respite in recent days from my incessant deadline reminders. Repetitive? Definitely. Tedious? Perhaps. Important? Absolutely! One reason January 10 is the largest deadline of the admissions cycle is that it’s the final deadline for applicants who wish to be considered for scholarship aid, i.e. almost everyone. There are a few more deadlines to come in February and even early March (most of those specific to individual degree programs), but our ability to consider those applications for scholarship support is extremely limited.

So, it’s getting time to wrap it up, people! By all means take a few more days to proofread and put the finishing touches on your application, but I can tell you from experience (both as a former Fletcher student myself, and as someone who’s worked with a lot of applicants in my day) that the overall quality of your application is not likely to change much in the few days prior to the deadline. A few reminders: original, hard-copy transcripts are only required upon enrollment at Fletcher, so for now you can upload official transcript copies directly via the application portal. It’s also fine if you have a recommendation or official test score report that comes in after January 10. You should still submit your application by that deadline, and we can likely avoid processing delays provided we receive these peripheral materials by February 1.

The Admissions team is available to answer any last-minute questions you may have, and we’ve begun processing and reading applications that have already been submitted. We’ll be looking forward to seeing yours sometime in the next week!