Admissions Tips

Pre-semester preparation: digest version

Readers, the fall semester is nearly upon us even though we’re just in the first week of August. While classes won’t begin for most students for close to another month, now is a good time of year for incoming students to do some low-level preparation around the margins. Below are some quick links to a series of posts from last year that may be a useful guide for incoming students. For prospective students, this will hopefully be helpful contextual information as you consider your future grad school plans.

A quick disclaimer: these posts are both a year old and from a time in which COVID-19 was nothing more than a few pigs with the sniffles. While they do need to be read in COVID-adjusted terms (e.g. disregard references to things taking place physically on-campus), I think you’ll find the bulk of this content still very relevant to the coming academic year. The vicissitudes of a remote learning environment aside, we’re excited for the imminent start of Orientation and the commencement of the fall semester!

Readying for the fall: your Pre-semester Preparatory Primer

Part I: course selection

Part II: what’s the deal with equivalency exams?

Part III: review your finances

Part IV: prepare for orientation