Our Staff

A warm welcome back to a favorite colleague

Late December has sprung upon us one of the best holiday gifts we could ask for: our former Admissions colleague, blogmother, and general Jill-of-all-Fletcher-trades Jessica will remain with us as the new PhD Program Director! Regular readers will recall some updates from Jessica’s recent work with the program on an interim basis. Longer-term readers may even remember the days when Jessica maintained this very blog. All of us at Fletcher have been fortunate to have continued to work with her in a variety of project-based roles she’s filled over the past year, for the Office of the Dean, Student Services, and more recently as the Interim PhD Director.

The removal of that “Interim” is far more than just a cause for internal celebration at Fletcher, mind you. While it’s true that most people who have worked with Jessica are quick to name her among their favorite co-workers, and while I am indeed selfishly happy to have her back as a full-time colleague given how closely our office works with the PhD Program Director, this is a big win for more than just us behind-the-curtain denizens. Jessica’s institutional knowledge of Fletcher as a whole is rivaled by only a very few others, and her extensive experience working with the PhD program in particular during her days in Admissions is a boon both to all of us and to our current and future PhD students, too.

Welcome back, Jessica! And forgive us for the occasional light arm-twisting to get an update from you on the Admissions blog periodically.