General Admissions News

Admissions process updates

I’m reminded at this time of year, as I look out at yet another fresh blanket of snow, how fortunate we are that application “reading season” takes place in the dead of winter. Reading piles of applications seems a more doable prospect when one is pretty much confined indoors anyway. There’s still a chunk of reading to go, but we’re getting there! So much so that we’re starting to look toward preparing for the release of decisions, currently looking like sometime in the first couple of weeks of March.

I’ve already encouraged those of you waiting for your admissions decision to get working on various aspects of your financial plan if you haven’t already done so. It’s understandable, though, if there’s only so far you can go in that process without details about scholarship aid from Fletcher (which will be released alongside admissions decisions). I’ll suggest, then, that this interstitial period is also an excellent time to start diving deeper into your research about Fletcher to determine if it’s the right fit for you. You’ll have well over a month between the release of decisions and the enrollment response deadline, but you may find that time will move very quickly. Now is an excellent time to explore faculty profiles, familiarize yourself with the updated fields of study, and learn more about the variety of programming offered by the Office of Career Services. Cover as much of this ground now as you can and you’ll find it easier to make your enrollment decision when the time comes.

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