About Fletcher

News and events roundup

A couple new and noteworthy events and announcements to share today, readers.

book coversLast week saw a book talk of particular interest to students interested in Gender & Intersectional Analysis. Professors Kimberly Theidon and Dyan Mazurana, along with current PhD student Dipali Anumol, discussed their new books Legacies of War: Violence, Ecologies, & Kin and Challenging Conceptions: Children Born of Wartime Rape and Sexual Exploitation. Book talks are a great way to highlight new faculty scholarship and publications, and particularly exciting when they feature current-student contributors!

In other news, the Tufts $100K New Ventures Competition application process is gearing up, and we’ll be following along closely. Fletcher has fared well in this competition in recent years. Check out The Now Exchange and Adelante Shoes for some examples of Fletcher winners from recent years. We’ll be hoping this year adds some new winners to Fletcher’s strong track record!

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