Our Alumni

MAHA Alumnus, Fazal Karim Najimi

In addition to all the usual degree programs, Fletcher — jointly with the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy — also offers the Master of Arts in Humanitarian Assistance (MAHA).  MAHA students complete three mandatory courses at Friedman, three core electives selected from a short list of Friedman and Fletcher options, and two courses of their own choice.  At Commencement, the awarding of MAHA degrees alternates between Fletcher and Friedman.  Because the program is small and the program’s administration is based at Friedman, I don’t write about it much, but I wanted to point to an interesting article about Fazal Karim Najimi, a 2003 MAHA alum who provides his unique perspective on the political situation in Afghanistan.

One thought on “MAHA Alumnus, Fazal Karim Najimi

  • Love the article about Fazal! Thanks for the link, Jessica!

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