About Fletcher

Fletcher Winter Recital

InviteI had a lovely Fletcher evening yesterday.  First, dinner with my good pal, Helen, from the Office of Career Services.  Then, we went together to see the wonderful performances from the Fletcher Performing Arts Club.  There’s a lot of talent among our students!  Some professors and administrators participated, too.  And despite the end of fall classes and the impending exams, there was a great showing from the community.

When I talk with visitors about student organizations, I always divide them between the ones with a curricular connection and the ones that are straightforward fun or social.  The Performing Arts Club belongs to that second group and it draws folks with all sorts of talents.  I’m always happy if I’m able to attend their twice-yearly recitals.

I only took one photo.  It’s not great, but I’ll share anyway.  Here we have a student, Taji, on the piano.  The violinists are Professor Burgess and Mary Dulatre, the Fletcher Registrar.


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