General Admissions News

Even the spammers have my number

The other day, Peter found me fighting with a mechanical pencil.  I don’t know where the pencil came from, but I kept mistaking it for a pen and clicking it.  Soon there was a long piece of lead poking out, and I was trying to convince it to go back where it came from.  I told Peter (joking) that I couldn’t handle such a high technology device, which prompted him to wonder aloud (joking, I hope) how it is that I’m the office blogger.  Indeed.  I write the Admissions blog, but it continues to be a bell-and-whistle-free endeavor.

The blog gets hit with plenty of spam, and a recent message I found in the spam filter asked:  “Have you ever considered adding more videos to your blog posts to keep the readers more entertained?  I mean I just read through the entire article of yours and it was quite good but since I’m more of a visual learner.”  Never mind the grammar — the spammer has a point.

For much of the year, I assume the blog’s main readers are my Admissions pals (Hi Kristen!  ‘sup Peter!) and my family (How’s the trade show going, Paul?), but as we draw closer to the end of the admissions process, more and more applicants come back to the blog for updates.  Just as I did yesterday, I’ll to try to share basic information on the process as it wraps up.  Feel free to send me your questions so that I post the information that really matters to you.  But the Fletcher Admissions blog is not the site to visit when you’re in the mood for time-eating videos.

Meanwhile, I’m taking a break from a day of reading applications, and it’s probably my last full day of reading at home.  No matter how many applications I have behind me, I still enjoy taking the information laid out by each applicant and considering whether there’s a good match with Fletcher.  It’s the best part of my job — the part I look forward to all year.  But since applications are seasonal, I’m happy to write for the blog — my favorite day-to-day activity, even if I fall short on technological wizardry.

5 thoughts on “Even the spammers have my number

  • Thanks, Terrayut! And yes, all the rest (as you said) would include applicants who will receive any of the different decisions. I’m going to post more information on decisions in the next week or so. Stay tuned!

  • Hi Jessica,

    I’d like to use this space to congratulate “the Febs” after I saw a few people in GradCafe, posting themselves on being accepted to MALD in FEB, and also to ask you to write about the rest, the waiting applicants. Could you categorize them too? or, they’re simply those who don’t totally fall into all the 3 categories you mentioned earlier?

    Thank you, thank you- so much!

  • Thanks for these friendly and informative blog posts–I know it makes me feel like my application is in good hands. Best of luck as the process wraps up!

  • I count on that Kristen! I need you, Peter, and Paul — my best error finders!

  • Hi, Jessica,

    Yes, I am a loyal reader, even from the road!

    (Jessica’s admissions colleague, currently in Washington DC)

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