General Admissions News

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There’s always some unwanted wrinkle that visits us in March.  With a strange weather pattern that has kept the Boston area snow-free for a couple of months (while our friends further down the East Coast tried to figure out what to do with the fluffy stuff), it was technology’s turn to slow things down.  I’m not exactly sure what happened — possibly the server, but possibly something else — but thanks to the IT folks, the blog is back.

Ironically enough, I figured out the blog was down when I tried to post an answer to questions that had come up on Monday.  Some applicants took my advice and tested their passwords for the Graduate Application Management System (GAMS), and commented that they were unable to log in.  The system managers told us that the system was occasionally working slowly, but it was working.  So, my advice is still to be sure you have your login information in a convenient place.  If you decide to test it out, be patient.  On any given day, the system may be working more or less slowly.  (And remember that the system is shared with all Tufts graduate schools, so it isn’t only Fletcher applicants who are logging on.)

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