General Admissions News

Super-quick waitlist update

Not long after I hit the button to put up my previous post today, a comment came in asking if I could provide an update on the waitlist.  (Thanks, Samantha, for reminding me!)  Here’s what I can say:

A tiny group of students has been admitted off the waitlists for the MIB and PhD programs.  So far, we haven’t drawn from the MALD/MA waitlist.  There are still requests for deferrals coming in, and we continue to assess the number of enrolling students.  We also haven’t told any waitlisted candidates that we won’t admit them this year.  On the other hand, we know that many people who originally said they would wait have since made other plans.

I realize that all of this is to say that there’s no news.  At least, if you haven’t heard from us, you know that almost no one else has either.

8 thoughts on “Super-quick waitlist update

  • Hi Sandra,

    There’s nothing significant to report, but keep your eye on your email-box later this week or early next. We’ll be sending a message soon to check in with applicants who have remained on the waitlist. We know that some people have made alternate plans, so we want to do a quick follow-up.


  • Hi Jessica,

    How are things looking for wait-listed applicants? When will you start giving applications feedback?

    Thanks so much,


  • Hi Hilary,
    Yes, we absolutely will notify applicants when we have decided not to go further into the waitlist. At this point, we have made a tiny handful of MALD/MA offers. Depending on how many decide to enroll, we might make another tiny group of offers. We’ll keep watching enrollment for another few weeks, since some students are still requesting deferrals. Feel free to check in again in another 10 days or so.

  • Hi Jessica! Thanks for the blog – I check it nonstop. Will you let us know if Fletcher stops considering waitlisted candidates? Has anything changed with the MALD list? I’m on pins and needles. Thanks so much!

  • Thanks for your comments, Olivia, Yogesh, and Chantal. I’ll do my best to keep you posted in a timely way.

  • Thank you Jessica! Like Yogesh said, Im waiting with “bated breath”! When you want something that bad, the wait is part of it 🙂

  • Thanks! I continue to await the final decision with bated breath!

  • Thanks for the update! Much appreciated!

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